The Art of Brewing Delicious Kagoshima Tea
Tamaryokucha / Sencha / Fukamushicha
Prepare the appropriate number of teacups according to the number of people.
Fill four-fifths of each teacup with hot water and allow water to cool to the ideal temperature (70℃[158℉] for premium tea and 80℃[176℉] for regular tea) to brew tea.
Fill the teapot with tea leaves.
Measure out 10g for 5 persons (2 heaped tablespoons)
*When brewing for a small number of people, measure out a slightly greater amount than the calculated amount for 5 persons.

Fill the teapot with hot water from the teacups and let the tea leaves steep for 60s (30s if Fukamushicha is used).
Steeping time approximately 1min.
Fill the teacups successively with small amounts of tea,repeating the process until each teacup is filled with approximately equal amounts of tea.
Ensure that tea is poured to its very last drop.
*For the 2nd brew, fill teapot with hot water and let tea leaves steep for 10s.
Ideal drinking temperature 50~70℃ [122~158℉]

Hojicha / Bancha / Genmaicha
Fill the teapot with tea leaves.
Measure out 15g for 5 persons (2 -3 heaped tablespoons)
Fill the teapot with boiling water and let tea steep for 30s.
Steeping time approximately 30s.
Fill the teacups successively with small amounts of tea, repeating the process until each teacup is filled with approximately equal amounts
of tea, Ensure that tea is poured to its very last drop.
・For the 2nd brew, fill teapot with hot water and serve immediately.
・As the tea leaves start losing their health giving properties by the 2nd brew, discard tea leaves and measure out fresh leaves after the 2nd brew.
Ideal drinking temperature 80℃ [176℉]
Standard Brewing Guidelines (First Brew)
Type of Tea | Amt of water(measured by no. of teacups) | Amount of tea leaves | Temperature of water | Steeping time |
Sencha (premium) | 3 | 6g | 70℃ [158℉] | 1min 30s |
Sencha (regular) | 5 | 10g | 80℃ [176℉] | 1min |
Bancha Hojicha Genmaicha | 5 | 15g | Boiling water | 30s |
Sencha : Everyday green tea that is the majority of Japan’s tea harvest
Fukamushicha : Sencha that has been processed with a longer steaming time
Hojicha : Bancha/ lower grade Sencha that has been roasted/ baked
Bancha : Late harvest Sencha
Genmaicha : Bancha blended with roasted wholemeal rice

Special hint for that perfect brew –
Soft water (Hardness: 0-60 mg/L as calcium) is suitable for green tea. To remove chlorine from tap water, leave the water to boil for 4-5 minutes.